
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

100 random facts about me

I've never really done this and it will probably take me hours to complete without a list of questions but here it goes...

1. my birthday is August 25

2. I'm addicted to caffeine (Dr.Pepper)

3. I hate coffee

4. I'm single

5. I broke both of my wrist riding my bike (not at the same time)

6. I stopped riding my bike in 8th grade (when I broke the second one)

7. I'm a cake decorator

8. I'm also a massage therapist

9. and I make greeting cards

10. I love to paint and draw

11. but I've never taken an art class

12. I've seen Full Metal Jacket at least 150 times

13. and I know every word to it

14. I celebrate national Star Wars Day :)  may the 4th be with you

15. I made a bucket list when I was 19 because I was always to afraid to try anything

16. I'm a die hard Green Bay Packers fan

17. I own over 800 movies. Notice I said "own" not "have seen"

18. I absolutely LOVE music. All types of music

19. I sing at the top of my lungs when I'm driving

20. I can't sing but I do it anyway. Isn't that what karaoke is all about?

21. I drive a 2008 Honda Fit

22. I still play the original Super Mario Bros. on my NES

23. I love cheese

24. but I don't like bleu cheese

25. I'm 5 foot nothing

26. my parents divorced when I was 5

27. I love what I do for a living

28. but I hate where I work

29. I want to open my own bakery

30. my favorite colors are purple and black

31. 90% of the time, when I am out, I'm wearing a Packers shirt and jeans

32. I love to read

33. I wish I could be a professional student

34. I studied microbiology at home just for the fun of it

35. I read a section of the encyclopedia everyday

36. I am beginning to think, more and more, that I'm a complete dork

37. I know binary

38. I have a brother that is 5 years older than me

39. Favorite show on television: Big Bang Theory

40. Favorite show on cable: it's a tie between Dexter, Nurse Jackie and United States of Tara

41. I hate not having a DVR

42. Comcast is not comcastic! unless comcastic means complete and total shite

43. but they have the highest speed internet so I continue to give them my money

44. I bowled in a league in junior high and high school

45. my average was between a 160 and 180

46. I have read every Wolverine Comic Book

47. I'm not a fan of glittery vampires that can be out in the day

48. but I read the Twilight books

49. and I can't wait to see the birthing scene in the new movie (hopefully it's as gory as I picture from the books)

50. I have tried to stop smoking 4 times

51. I'm smoking a cigarette right now

52. I once spent a day off watching all of the Star Trek movies in order

53. I believe Star Trek: The Motion Picture is one of the worst movies of all time

54. I quote movies quite often.

55. I once had a 30 minute conversation with someone where every line I said was a movie quote

56. and the person I was talking to had no clue

57. I bit my fingernails until I was 25
58. I think I might end up being one of those crazy cat ladys

59. I want to join roller derby

60. I have 5 tattoos

61. one of them covers my entire back

62. I played the trumpet in 6th grade because they said my hands were to small to play the sax

63. I'm ambidextrous (but I don't use my left hand very often)

64. I like a little pain with my pleasure

65. I text more than I talk on the phone

66. I hate when people drive below the speed limit. It makes me scream. Literally.

67. I'm addicted to Netflix. I canceled my cable because I never watch TV

68. When I was 16 I had front row center stage tickets to Metallica and my mom wouldn't let me go because it was too dangerous

69. several years later she bought me 8 tickets to make up for it

70. I like the smell of gasoline

71. I have a scar on my nose from when my brother hit me in the head with a fence post (accident)

72. I don't like seafood

73. I took 4 years of Spanish in high school but I only remember the things I used after that (kitchen talk)

74. my first job was Sonic. I worked there for 6 1/2 years

75. I've never had a formal job interview. I was hired before filling out an application at all 4 jobs I've had.

76. I prefer to have the toilet paper roll over the top of the roll

77. Every couple of years I cut off all of my hair and donate it to locks of love

78. my mom's lake house is my favorite place in the world

79. I used my very first paycheck to buy Metallica's Binge and Purge Live shit box set. It cost $108.25. My paycheck was $128.23.

80. I love going to the theater

81. I never watched lost

82. I'm quite disturbed with how Heroes ended. I was really looking forward to seeing how they were going to clean up Claire's little exhibition

83. I don't believe in aliens but I believe in the possibility of life on other planets... if that makes any sense.

84. I don't chew gum

85. I always find a way to kill plants. Not on purpose. I just can't seem to keep them alive.

86. I can pretty much duplicate anything just by looking at it. except people. I can't draw peole

87. I love to cook

88. I've never had stitches

89. I went skydiving when I was 19.

90. I loved Dean Koontz's book Demon Seed. Although I still think I will never get a high tech security system in my house out of fear that it might take over and try to impregnate me...

91. I drink a Red Bull almost every day at lunch

92. I have arthritis in my ankle, knees, and back but I still try to be active and do things my body doesn't want me to do

93. I sleep flat on my back and don't usually move

94. I've had the same watch for 7 years

95. I haven't grown since I was 13

96. I love thunderstorms

97. I have played pool since I was about 13 and have won lots of money doing so. mostly because I a short little girl who nobody sees coming, but I haven't played much the last few months.

98. my android phone has made my computer less active.

99. I rarely eat breakfast

100. I love How I Met Your Mother. It's legen... wait for it... dary...

1 comment:

  1. "55. I once had a 30 minute conversation with someone where every line I said was a movie quote

    56. and the person I was talking to had no clue"

    I nearly fell out of my chair reading your list, particularly the above mentioned items.. :)

    But I beg to differ on one point. You're not 5 foot nothing. You're definitely 5 foot something...else! ;)
