
Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Day In The Life...

I have seen several of my fellow bloggers doing this, and even though I know nobody really cares what I do in my day to day life, I have decided to join in because I have nothing else to blog about.... and because I know my only reader, Glenn, will LOVE this  ;) ... so here goes.

*note: this is not my typical day, but rather, a lazy day off of work

5:53 Jumped out of bed... then realized what time it was and went back to sleep. It's my day off, no need to be awake.

9:02 Woke up for real. Let the dog out...and back in, brushed my teeth and grabbed some caffeine.

9:15 Turned on Season 9 of Smallvile... about half way through now, logged into Facebook, and went through the morning routine of texts with a friend.

9:51 Got on Craigslist to look for a dishwasher...

11:14 Found dishwasher and set up time to look at and possibly buy said dishwasher.

11:25 Started Laundry, pissed off some ants with a mound destroyer, dropped netflix movies in the mailbox.

11:47 Made and devoured lunch

12:10 Switched over laundry, continued watching Smallville while wasting time on Facebook and more texting with a friend.

12:50 Looked through my favorite cook book (it's no longer being printed but you can buy it on Amazon) for an idea for dinner... and then realized how much it sucks cooking for one... I guess it will just be sloppy joes or hot dogs again...

1:15 got clothes out of the dryer and put clean wet clothes in the dryer, folded and hung up said dry clothes...and grabbed a RedBull

1:40 Completed season 9 of Smallville, made a Father's Day card... I haven't made a card in a while so I opted for simple, fast, and easy...

1:53 Put ticket stubs from recent events in my keepsake book. Tried, again, to teach my dog to sit... but he's dumb so we just ended up playing, then I laughed as he chased the cats.

2:15 Wondered why I hadn't heard the buzzer on the dryer (hasn't it been a couple hours?), and when I went to the garage, realized I hadn't STARTED the dryer... oops

2:17 Browsed more on Facebook, checked out the local Breaking News... it's been a busy day in Houston. High speed chase, 2 women robbed a Walmart (I don't know why... but I guess Walmart is busy and has lots of cash in the registers), and new DNA evidence was linked to cold cases from the 90s. Oh and then there was that thing about the manhunt for an escaped prisoner... No big deal...

2:50 Spent some time thinking about what it will actually be like to have a dishwasher... it's been SO long. Turned on the actual television and was reminded why I don't watch TV.

3:05 Reverted to the DVD collection and decided on X-Men. Texted some more with friends about current and future happenings.

3:15 Heard the buzzer for the dryer!!! Folded and put away dry towels. And of course I had to stop and smell them first... I love my fabric softener!

3:51 Thought about doing dishes and then remembered I might be getting a dishwasher tonight and I might need something to test it out on.

5:26 Left to look at dishwasher...

6:23 Arrived home with dishwasher for less than asking price. But I will not be installing it tonight. First things first I guess...  :(

6:45 Started raking more pine needles, breaking up limbs and cleaning up backyard before trash goes out

8:33 Came in from yard work

And now I'm sweaty and need to shower and eat dinner... so this is where I will be ending the post, because after I shower and eat I will be doing NOTHING else except watching TV and wasting more time on Facebook

Have a lovely evening and thank you for reading.

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