
Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 20: A movie that you watch when you are angry...

I'm not exactly sure there is a movie that I watch when I'm angry. I usually play pool when I'm angry. Or I put in a season of How I Met Your Mother to cheer up. 

I think, the last time I was mad, I watched Zombieland. I wouldn't say it is one that I always throw in the DVD player when I'm in a certain mood, but I do enjoy it. And It is helping to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse...
That's a joke. although the CDC seems to think that we really need a plan. Jeez.

So yeah... I guess I'll say Zombieland.

And remember the rules
  1. Cardio
  2. The Double Tap
  3. Beware of Bathrooms
  4. Wear Seat Belts
  5. No Attachments
  6. The “Skillet”
  7. Travel Light
  8. Get a Kick Ass Partner
  9. With your Bare Hands
  10. Don’t Swing Low
  11. Use Your Foot
  12. Bounty Paper Towels
  13. Shake it Off
  14. Always carry a change of underwear
  15. Bowling Ball
  16. Opportunity Knocks
  17. Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)
  18. Limber Up
  19. Break it Up
  20. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint
  21. Avoid Strip Clubs
  22. When in doubt Know your way out
  23. Zipplock
  24. Use your thumbs
  25. Shoot First
  26. A little sun screen never hurt anybody
  27. Incoming!
  28. Double-Knot your Shoes
  29. The Buddy System
  30. Pack your stain stick
  31. Check the back seat
  32. Enjoy the little things
  33. Swiss army Knife

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