
Saturday, October 22, 2011

400 things to do before I die

When I  was 18 or 19 I was told to make a list of things I wanted to do before I died because I never seemed to follow through with anything.... today it is called a Bucket List thanks to Hollywood.

Well... I'm gonna post mine. kind of sad that I have only crossed off 50 things. But I just found it again a couple of weeks ago and decided I should start doing something about it. Anyhoo... here it is...

1. learn how to surf
2. learn how to ski
3. go skydiving
4. go rockclimbing
5. climb Pike's peak
6. trace family background in Ireland
7. ice skate
8. visit every state in the U.S. including Alaska and Hawaii
9. pay off all of my credit cards
10. attend an NFL game
11. attend an NHL game
12. be front row at a rock concert
13. graduate from highschool
14. become a registered massage therapist
15. get a "real job"
16. attend the New Orlean's Jazz Festival
17. try everything once
18. save money regularly
19. own a telescope
20. see the Northern Lights
21. stop bitting my nails
22. take boxing lessons
23. see real snow
24. visit Iceland
25. attend a championship boxing match in Las Vegas
26. attend a Super Bowl
27. Meet 3 famous people in one night
28. tour the beaches of Normandy where the allies landed on D-day
29. see the rings of saturn
30. spend a summer in Europe attending music festivals
31. see Metallica in concert
32. see CATS
33. see Phantom of the Opera
34. study art in Paris
35. photograph Niagara Falls
36. take a child to the circus
37. win at Bingo
38. see the WWII battlefields
39. fall in love with the right person at the right time--for both of us
40. hear an orchestra at Carnegie Hall
41. have a poem published
42. find a pearl still in the shell
43. quit smoking
44. own a motorcycle
45. attend a Packer's home game
46. cruise the South Pacific
47. go to race-car driving school
48. go to Disney world/land
49. take a 7 day cruise
50. write my life story
51. learn to play chess
52. visit Thomas Edison's workshop in New Jersey
53. spend New Years Eve in Time Square
54. visit groundzero
55. play one on one with Larry Bird
56. see a full moon over the Great Salt Lake
57. be a teacher for a day
58. learn reflexology
59. own a '57 Chevy
60. buy a painting from a starving artist
61. carry the Olympic tourch
62. attend a poetry reading
63. discover a truely effective mosquito repelant
64. meditate in a Zen Garden
65. find a gold mine
66. attend a fashion show in Paris
67. model for a sculptor
68. hang glide off a cliff
69. see Sting in concert
70. see KISS in concert
71. attend a rave
72. visit Mt. St. Helens
73. be the first person anywhere to do something
74. make it into the Guenis book of world records
75. see the Astros win a World Series
76. see the Cubs win a World Series
77. see the Packers win another Super Bowl
78. notice daily miracles
79. hold a poisonous snake
80. volunteer at an old folks home
81. catch a bullfrog
82. watch a caterpillar turn into a butterfly
83. look good in a bikini
84. learn to play golf
85. build a tree house
86. carve my own chess set
87. grow spiritually
88. pay the toll for the car behind me
89. read an entire book in one sitting
90. not care what other's think
91. own a home
92. carve my name in a tree
93. learn to play drums
94. attend DCI
95. watch the sun rise in the Florida Keys
96. own my own bakery
97. be completely honest with myself
98. camp for at least 4 days
99. flatten a penny of a railroad track
100. be in Canton when Favre gets inducted into the Hall of Fame
101. camp at RenFest
102. send a message in a bottle
103. do yoga
104. write a song
105. fly first class
106. swim with dolphins
107. spend an entire day watching all 3 LOTR extended versions back-to-back-to-back
108. make love
109. fly a kite
110. ride in a hot air balloon
111. walk Abbey Road
112. donate blood
113. knit something
114. attend Comicon/Comicpalooza
115. meet Stan Lee
116. TP a house
117. ride an elephant
118. stay in bed all day
119. register as an organ donor
120. read all of the classics
121. watch every movie that has won the academy award for Best Picture
122. make something origami
123. see a musical on Broadway
124. complete a first aid couse
125. sing in the rain
126. watch the launch of a space shuttle
127. be an extra in a movie
128. brew my own beer
129. learn how to take a compliment
130. ride a camel in the desert
131. plant a tree
132. ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia
133. sit on a jury for a murder trial
134. stay out all night dancing and go to work without having gone home
135. drink beer at Octoberfest in Munich
136. shower in a waterfall
137. ask for a raise
138. experience weightlessness
139. drive across America from coast to coast
140. Ride the 10 largest roller coasters in the world
141. learn to juggle with 3 balls
142. drive the autobahn
143. scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef
144. give to charity anonymously 
145. catch a ball at an MLB game
146. set foot on each of the 7 continents
147. run a marathon
148. see cherry blossoms in Japan
149. visit a castle in England
150. learn sign language
151. bury a time capsule and dig it up 20 years later
152. meditate for 2 hours in one sitting
153. make a fire the old fashioned way
154. make my own pasta
155. cook something with veggies I've grown
156. give my lunch to a homeless person
157. build something that will outlast me
158. be part of a protest rally
159. get my fortune told
160. send flowers for no reason at all
161. attend the ballet
162. take tap dance lessons
163. keep a diary/blog for 365 days without missing a day
164. fast for 48 hours
165. make a perfect omlet
166. sing karaoke
167. give up my seat on a crowded bus
168. kill, dress, cook and eat something
169. meet someone I met on the internet in real life
170. learn to fly a plane
171. name a star
172. see the Nutcracker in NYC
173. be part of a flash mob
174. invent a board game
175. make a hole-in-one
176. have a library in my house
177. walk on hot coals
178. visit the White House
179. start a trend
180. go on a speed dating session
181. own a jukebox
182. stand on 4-corners
183. swim in a city fountain
184. run around a big city in a superhero costume
185. get a bikini wax
186. break a window
187. moon someone
188. flash someone
189. take a pottery class
190. have an out of body experience
191. stage dive at a concert
192. visit the Holocaust museum
193. go skinny dipping
194. play paintball
195. play Quidditch
196. attend a masquerade ball
197. see sea turtles lay eggs on shore in Australia
198. paint a mural
199. go streaking
200. visit Neverland Ranch
201. visit Graceland
202. see Jim Morrison's grave in Paris
203. ride a hovercraft
204. be a magician's assistant
205. attend a luau in Hawaii
206. attend a UFO convention
207. learn to belly dance
208. kick a door in
209. join the mile high club
210. spin pizza dough
211. capture lightning in a photograph
212. be a vegetarian for a week
213. dance on the bar at Coyote Ugly in Nashville
214. send a postcard to PostSecret
215. go on an Archeology dig
216. find a fossil
217. attend a foam party
218. stay in an underwater hotel
219. own a gun
220. stand naked under a full moon
221. buy and paint a hippie van
222. watch an event from a rooftop
223. donate my hair to locks of love
224. experience an earthquake
225. ride an ostrich
226. say yes to every request for a day - document it
227. kiss the Blarney Stone
228. see all of the Smithsonian Museums
229. see a geyser
230. zipline through the jungle
231. chase a tornado
232. skywrite a message to someone
233. attend a drag show
234. sing the national anthem
235. attend Pride in San Fransisco
236. spend Halloween in Salem, MA
237. be on a gameshow
238. dance with Ellen Degeneres
239. finish a 365 Photography project
240. attend Burning Man
241. lose 20lbs and keep it off
242. passionately kiss in the rain
243. kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower
244. drink vodka in Russia
245. learn to say 'hello' in 20 languages
246. crush grapes with my feet in a vineyard
247. become a jedi
248. ban all re-boots, re-numbering and multiverses within comic books
249. set a phaser to stun
250. have a wine tasting atop a hill with vizzini
251. Drink Butterbeer
252. tumble down a hill shouting "AS YOU WISH!"
253. tell Patrick Stewart to "make it so"
254. rescue Princess Peach
255. build my own computer
256. meet Bart Starr
257. visit the Stevie Ray Vaughn memorial in Austin
258. visit the petrified forest
259. see the meteor crater
260. see the world's largest ball of twine
261. see the world's largest rubberband ball
262. see the world's largest frying pan
263. see the world's largest cheesewheel
264. see the world's largest toy museum
265. see the world's largest dinosaur
266. see the world's largest cross
267. see the world's largest superman
268. see the world's largest Popeye
269. see the world's largest Cheeto
270. see the world's largest roller skate
271. study a new subject each year
272. become a mentor
273. be present at a birth
274. give $1000 to charity
275. open a restraunt/diner
276. create an ice sculpture
277. invent a cocktail
278. drive a tank
279. dive in a shark cage
280. get in physical fight
281. visit Stone Henge
282. see the colosseum in Rome
283. kiss a total stranger
284. take a vow of silence for a day
285. buy everyone in the bar a drink
286. hug a tree
287. do a striptease
288. watch a meteor shower
289. get drunk on champagne
290. photocopy my butt
291. take an ice cold bath
292. hit a homerun
293. adopt an accent for an entire day
294. take care of someone who is shitfaced
295. steal a street sign
296. crash a party
297. eat shark
298. perform in Rocky Horror
299. follow a band on tour
300. walk the Golden Gate Bridge
301. be an egg donor
302. sell artwork to someone who doesn't know me
303. have a booth at a street fair
304. take a candle lit bath with someone
305. bet on a winning horse
306. play flag football
307. touch an eel
308. Join rec league (roller derby)
309. eat kangaroo meet
310. walk the great wall of China
311. give a public speech
312. pet a tiger
313. bungee jump
314. win an award
315. see an erupting volvano
316. meet someone with the same name
317. be a human guinea pig
318. throw a dart at a map and travel there
319. dine and dash
320. take part in a police linup
321. invent a word that makes it in the dictionary
322. visit the Harry Potter theme park
323. see an NFL game at every stadium in the US
324. see a game at every MLB park
325. attend Lebowskifest
326. visit DC comics office
327. have dinner with Adam West
328. learn Klingon
329. join the Stormtrooper brigade
330. figure out what the hell Lost is about
331. read the bible from cover to cover
332. swim in each of the seven seas
333. get a professional makeover
334. blow smokerings
335. crush a beer can on my forehead
336. attend a Star Trek convention
337. take a natural mud bath
338. write my high school teacher a thank you letter
339. prepare a 7 course meal for 3 of my closest friends
340. be the captain of a ship
341. make my own bread
342. shoot a cross bow
343. leave someone a $100 tip
344. visit a monastery
345. meditate with monks
346. watch nothing but cartoons for an entire day
347. smoke a cuban cigar
348. learn to make balloon animals
349. learn to breakdance
350. be part of a TV show audience
351. drink absinthe
352. ride a yellow cab in Ney York
353. Spend an entire evening outside the Belaggio
354. smash a pinatta
355. reenact the scene from Office Space with the printer in a field
356. have a picnic in central park
357. see Big Ben strike 12 noon
358. drink a manhattan in Manhattan
359. spend St. Patrick's day in Ireland
360. look into the mouth of a volcano
361. learn to pole dance
362. make a scrapbook
363. get a henna tattoo
364. be photographed next to 50 landmarks
365. take part in a treasure hunt
366. make pasta from scratch
367. get backstage at a show
368. attend a seance
369. take a train from Grand Central Station
370. win an arm wrestle
371. make sushi
372. see a sumo wrestling match in Japan
373. have a 100+ item collection of something
374. have tea at the Ritz in London
375. learn to skateboard
376. see a kangaroo in the wild
377. like what I see in the mirror
378. explore a batcave
379. find a four leaf clover
380. see Mt. Rushmore
381. learn ballroom dancing...
382. ... teach it to children
383. ride a burro in Mexico
384. meet a person with a transplanted heart
385. learn to like regular coffee
386. travel the great lakes
387. milk a cow
388. live to see the discovery of life on another planet
389. go on a spiritual retreat
390. make love under the stars
391. design children's toys
392. stop procrastinating
393. be in the stands at the Daytona 500
394. visit the NFL Hall of Fame
395. meet Brett Favre
396. study psychology
397. build a snowman
398. Paint my house
399. make a quilt with my baby clothes
400. draw something every day for a year

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